17 Tips & Things to do on a Boat in the Rain

If you’re looking for a fun way to spend a day, why not hop on a boat in the rain? Depending on where you are, you can enjoy a relaxing ride through the water or explore new areas while the rain falls around you. Make sure your boat is in good condition and ready to go. A wet boat is not only uncomfortable, but also can be dangerous.

What to do on a Boat in the Rain

what to do on a boat in the rain

Stay close to the shore

Boating during a rainstorm can be a lot of fun, but it’s important to stay close to the shore in case you need to get back on land quickly. When it starts raining heavily, your boat will start filling up with water quickly, and if you’re not near shore when that happens, you’ll likely end up stranded.

Make sure the boat is safe

Making sure your boat is safe during rain season is essential. Check for leaks and make sure everything is tied down properly. Be especially vigilant about checking the bilge area, as rainwater can accumulate quickly in this area. Additionally, be sure to keep an eye on the moorings and docks while on the water – stay aware of any potential dangers lurking nearby.

Deal with water infiltration

One of the most common problems that boat owners face is water infiltration. This occurs when water gets inside the boat through cracks and crevices, leading to rot and corrosion. There are a few things that you can do to try and prevent water infiltration, but it’s always best to consult with a professional if you’re not sure what to do.

Some of the most common steps that boat owners can take to prevent water infiltration include caulking all seams and cracks, using weatherproofing products on the outside of the boat, and installing gaskets where necessary. If you notice water seeping into your boat from any openings other than the drain holes, then it’s likely time for a new hull or deck.

Keep yourself hydrated

When you are on the boat in the rain, making sure that you stay hydrated is essential in staying safe and feeling refreshed. Here are some tips on how to stay hydrated while boating in the rain especially if you have a watermaker.

Keep a water bottle with you at all times. Not only will this help you stay hydrated on the boat, but also if there is an emergency and you need to drink water quickly.

If possible, try to avoid drinking from streams or lakes while boating in the rain.

Bring an umbrella

If you’re headed out on the lake or river this summer and plan to enjoy a day of fishing or boating, be sure to bring an umbrella. Rain may befall you unexpectedly while out on the water, so having protection from the elements is essential. And even if it’s not raining, an umbrella can come in handy for shade or cover from the sun when you’re waiting for your favorite fishing spot to open up or when you’re browsing through a vendor’s wares.

Waterproof shoes is important

When you boat in the rain, it’s important to keep your feet as dry as possible. One way to do this is to bring waterproof shoes. Not only will they keep your feet dry, but they also can protect your boat from water damage.

Bring a raincoat or poncho

When you boat in the rain, bring a raincoat or poncho to stay dry. If you don’t have one, put a tarp over your boat. Be sure to keep your engine running if it’s raining hard so that water doesn’t get inside the boat.

Bring a waterproof camera

When you go boating in the rain, bring a camera! Not only will it be fun to snap some photos of your adventures, but you can also document any damages that may occur. Plus, if something goes wrong and you need to call for help, having photographic evidence of what happened can be invaluable.

And always try to bring the waterproof one!!

Read a book: cozy up with a good novel

When you boat in the rain, Reading a book is the perfect way to pass the time. Not only does reading keep your mind active and entertained, it’s also good for your morale. Any book will do, as long as it’s something you enjoy.

Take a nap

Studies have shown that when people take short breaks during their work, they are more productive overall. So if you’re feeling frazzled by the weather and don’t want to ruin your day on the water, try taking a quick power nap instead!

Napping can also help improve your focus and concentration while boating.

Bring a deck of cards to keep entertained for hours

When it comes to staying entertained on a boat in the rain, bringing a deck of cards is always a good option. Not only can you enjoy your time with friends and family, but you can also keep yourself occupied for hours on end. Whether you prefer standard poker or more complex games, there’s sure to be one that appeals to you and your group. Plus, who doesn’t love a good game of chance?

Watch the rain: it’s beautiful and calming

When you boat in the rain, it is not only beautiful to watch, but calming as well. The sound of the water hitting the boat and the thundering sound of the rain are both soothing and relaxing. It can be a great way to spend a rainy day if you have some friends or family to go with you.

Watching movies on a boat in the rain

If you’re looking for a unique way to spend your summer weekend, why not head out on the open water and watch your favorite movies under the stars? Not only is this an activity that can be enjoyed by everyone, but it’s also a great way to relax after a long day of fishing or swimming. If you’re looking to take your movie watching experience one step further, consider watching your film on a boat in the rain.

This is an especially enjoyable experience because you get to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature while sitting in warmth and comfort. No matter what kind of weather you’re dealing with, whether it’s pouring rain or bright sunshine, there’s no excuse not to take your movie watching outdoors!

Play games or listen to music

When it’s raining outside, the last thing you want to do is spend your time inside. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself by playing games or listening to music on a boat in the rain. Here are 5 fun ways to pass the time:

  • Games like fishing and water polo are great for getting wet and having some laughs.
  • If you’re looking for something a little more competitive, try out yacht racing or an obstacle course.
  • If you’re more of a social butterfly, try out card games like spades or bridge.
  • If you love listening to music while sailing, take along your ipod or mp3 player.
  • Or if you’d rather not miss a beat, bring along an instrument and join in on singing songs from the sea.

Drink hot chocolate: enjoy a warm drink

Drink hot chocolate and enjoy a warm drink on a boat in the rain. It’s the perfect way to spend a summer day. Whether you’re out on the water or in your living room, nothing beats a cup of hot chocolate to take the chill off. And who doesn’t love enjoying a warm drink in the rain? Sitting close to the warmth of the fire or use the room heater if possible, sipping on a steaming mug of hot chocolate is downright cozy.

Watch the weather: be prepared for changing conditions

When heading out on the water in bad weather, be aware that conditions can change quickly. Watch the weather forecast and be prepared for changing conditions on your boat – in the rain. Be sure to have a fully stocked first-aid kit and know how to use it, as well as flares, a CB radio, and other emergency equipment. If you’re traveling in a group, designate one person who is responsible for monitoring the weather and ensuring everyone is safe.

Know your limitations

The best way to prepare for a day on the water is to understand your limitations. Weather conditions can quickly change, and if you don’t know what you can and cannot do, you may find yourself in a difficult situation. Buying a boat that is specifically designed for fishing or boating in the rain is not always the best option.

Many boats are not built to handle severe weather conditions such as heavy rainfall or strong waves. If you are planning on fishing or taking a leisurely cruise in your boat during rainy weather, be sure to keep these limitations in mind.


When it rains and you’re on a boat, there are still plenty of things to do. Stay dry and comfortable by staying inside, listening to music or reading a book. When you get bored of being inside, go out on the deck and enjoy the weather. If it’s too wet, then go below and play games or watch TV. No matter what, make sure to have fun and stay safe.

So, next time it rains and you are stuck on a boat, don’t worry. There are plenty of ways to keep you busy!

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